Mswildtarot daily dose of twinflame engeries Daily Dose tiwnflame May 31 2019

Daily Dose tiwnflame May 31 2019

Your twin is missing you and dreaming all about the Good things you have done for them they want to reach out and tell you they want to marry you or be with you. 6 of cups and the heirophant you are dealing with a person who is very traditional and enjoys rules in a relationship.

Reconnecting with is strongly on there mind.

You may be surprised.

3 of pentacles and the fool starting over and taking that leap of faith. They truly admire you and want to start to build.

8 of wands fast quick and swift communication. They are conflicted how to reach out and if you should reciece a message they will tell you they love and miss you.

Ms.Wild tarot love and light enjoy if you make contact with your twinflame.

Tarot love