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Thank you guys when I was being with me I appreciate your love and support and everything that’s happening in the world. I appreciate you listening to me hi so we had a king of sore and stuff and it toss about with the demon tail that the occult day that there is a battle that’s coming reveals knowledge of forthcoming battle, and procure the favor of the king and Lord King of source is usually air sign energy, and it represents Aquarius Gemini libra, and so there could be and also attorneys and judges, but they say the favor the Lord and the king, so it tells me you guys if something legal comes up in your atmosphere, that the fact there is most likely going to go on your favor or attorney, or the judge is in your favor, but there is a secret battle that’s about the emerge and you guys lie, and it looked to be good as well so you can go more into this reading. If you want to learn more about what else happens with this but that’s what you guys need to know as far as I’m seeing here. Sometimes this could be just you guys getting your divorce paper and you’re happy to have your divorce paper now I made a podcast and I would love you guys to check out check it out because Ace pinnacles came up and I gave you guys some wonderful ideals on how to operate with that energy all right I will have the link below where you guys can click it if you want to know more about that and check out my Amazon book a reading with me And always remember love and light enjoy stay blessed as well. OK spray joy give joy.

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